07 September, 2014

What a message!!!

A friend left me! My phone is broken down! Had a car accident! Feeling lonely! Depression! (Not real for those who asked. ..just examples)

Many other annoying things that intend to remove part of your heart and create a hole.

Sometimes when Allah takes away a blessing from us, he actually wants to deliver a message but what is it??

There's that one hole in our heart, which we try to fill with money, fame, friendships, children, marriage, and money, but it's always that temporar happiness, which fades away quickly.

Apparently, Allah takes away these things for a while or permenantly in order to tell you that this hole isn't filled by all of these things or people who'll one day leave you.

Yeah. A good question in your mind.....how can I fill this hole? With what?? This hole shall be filled with a never-ending worship, a never-boring relationship between you and Allah, an always-stronger friendship. Now the message is delivered.

If we fill that deep hole with reading quran, talking to Allah as a friend, telling him about your life even if he knows it more than you, making prayers and duaa, asking for forgiveness and waking up at midnight to pray only because you DO love him.

At that while, you need nothing from this worthless life....not money, nor people....not family, nor friends....not cars, nor food.....you need nothing. You need nothing but pleasing him. You need nothing but loving him with his beloved forgiveness, and with his countless blessings.

robber of hearts and minds....

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